What does a lip flip entail exactly?

A lip flip entails injecting very small minimal precise detailed units of Botox around the corners of the mouth, or near the Cupid’s bow.

What does a lip flip achieve exactly?

It will make the lips appear larger, and full. I would say it’s the new found lip liner!

How many units do you use on a lip flip?

A Botox flip takes a very small dose to get achievable results, so basically you should be looking at no more then 6 units.

What is the estimated time frame I can expect to see results?

Depending on the product we use it can take 2 to 14 days.

How do I determine if a lip flip is for me?

If you are hesitant about filler, I would say start with baby steps and try a lip flip being it will only roll the upper lip out, making the lips appear fuller with a more detailed upper lip show, and it won’t add volume. Must I mention they only last 2-3 months.

Thank you for taking the time to read my mini blog, please reach out if you have any other questions.  -Felicia-

Thank you for taking the time to read my mini blog, please reach out if you have any other questions.

Felicia Aragon

Felicia Aragon has focused her energies into the beauty industry for the past 10 years, specializing in skin rejuvenation. As a Licensed Aesthetician. It was through these varied experiences, along with the interactions with her loyal clientele, that she honed her passion for improving and maintaining the health and integrity of her client's skin.


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